“This fast metabolism diet program will trim your body weight and improve your health! Use the 3 diets in here as a template for looking leaner.”

Now that we’ve given you a blueprint for losing fat, it’s time to take a look at what a typical one-, two-, or three-month fast metabolism diet looks like. The following program is for any man or woman who wants to achieve a leaner, more energized, and healthier appearance.

You can use this fast metabolism diet program (which, as you will soon see, is actually a three-diet program) as a template, your template for dietary change.

We’ve designed the three sample diets specifically for a woman who weighed 150 pounds. You can either use the fast metabolism diet as is or tailor the program modestly to suit your caloric requirements — whether:

  • slightly higher (for a rather overweight man, or for a woman who weighs more than 150)
  • or lower (for a not-so-overweight man or a woman under 150 pounds).

As a general rule of thumb, you should increase or decrease your food intake by fifty calories for every five pounds by which your body weight differs from 150 pounds.

  • If you take in fewer than the number of calories prescribed in this fast metabolism diet program, be sure that the majority of the calories you trim from your diet come from the carbohydrate category. (That is, you should cut down on carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, and breads).
  • Conversely, whenever you increase your intake of calories, make up the difference either by selecting foods from the protein category or by eating vegetables that are especially good for your health (such as salads and raw, non-starchy vegetables).

The most important thing to remember is to eat according to the “Law of the Three ONLY’s”:

  1. ONLY within the prescribed food groups,
  2. ONLY in the ratios specified,
  3. and ONLY on the days scheduled

Two Phases

There are two phases to this fast metabolism diet program.

  • The first phase will last from sixty to ninety days, depending on how quickly your body reacts to the combinations of foods you eat.
  • Then you’ll begin phase two, which is a “maintenance” step of the program.

Phase two is all about helping you maintain your new physique or continue to lose weight. The maintenance phase is simply a time for you to begin adding back into your diet some of the foods you crave (within reason) and to balance the effects that those new foods may have on your body.

So in phase two you should follow diet #2 (that is, the second phase-one diet) for a full two days each week.

Phase One Objectives

The goal of phase one, which is the part of the program that consists of three separate diets, is to help strip fat and water from between your muscle and your skin while at the same time preparing your metabolism for phase two.

Each of the diets in the first phase will bring you closer to your goal of total metabolic control in its own way. This phase has been designed to provide your body with the nutrients that are needed to:

  • burn any subcutaneous fat deposits,
  • increase your energy level and metabolic rate,
  • and improve your nutrient absorption.

Your New Food “Cycling” Program

In phase one of this fast metabolism diet program, you must strictly adhere to:

  • diet #1 for two days,
  • diet #2 for the following two or three days,
  • and diet #3 for the final two or three days of a seven-day cycle,
  • then you are to repeat the seven-day cycle.

It is this cycling of nutrients and calories that will enable your metabolism to attain its peak fat-burning level. While on this program, drink a minimum of twelve glasses of pure water each day. (I realize that this goes slightly against what I said earlier about consuming one glass for every 20 pounds of body weight. But for now, consuming the amount of water I’m suggesting here will help your body to shed fat faster.)

Here’s what diet #1 looks like . . .

Phase One, Diet #1

Fast Metabolism Diet One

Again, the diets presented here are just examples. If you use these diets, you’ll need to adhere to the following points, which you should apply to all three diets in this program: 

  • You should consume the warm water no later than thirty minutes after arising in the morning
  • You should space the meals about two to three hours apart
  • Wait at least one hour after you finish your last meal before you go to bed at night


  • Each of the three diets is designed to be followed for more than one day during a seven-day cycle.
  • To consume all the foods listed for that diet on each of those days (and at the indicated meals).
  • Don’t omit foods from one day and add them to another day. And don’t omit foods from one meal and add them to another meal.

Take the solution of lemon juice and water (meal 0) every day.

Also, there are five meals (meals 1–5) to be eaten every day that you’re on diet #1. And four meals (meals 1–4) to be eaten every day that you’re on diet #2 or diet #3.

Phase One, Diet #2

Diet #2 is intended to deplete your muscle stores of glycogen and water. Following this diet for two or three consecutive days will increase the rate at which your metabolic system burns fat. It will also reduce the capacity of your muscle cells to hold water. Thereby causing them to release excess stored water.

Here’s how you are to determine whether to follow this diet for two days or three days:

    • If your weight loss is going a bit too slow, you should follow diet #2 for the full three days. (And then follow diet #3 for only two days. So you complete a full seven-day cycle for the three phase-one diets combined).
    • If your weight loss is proceeding fast enough for you, then you should follow diet #2 for only two days. (Meaning that you would then follow diet #3 for the remaining three days of the cycle).

Fast Metabolism Diet Two

Since this portion of the diet program is low in carbohydrates, you may experience “withdrawal symptoms”. Many diets that are low in sugar produce this effect, but it’s entirely normal and there’s no need for concern.

This fast metabolism diet program will rid your body of such harmful elements. Harmful elements such as sugar buildup, toxins, and excess fat deposits.

During the first two weeks, feel free to consume a small piece of fruit if you begin to feel overly lethargic or slightly dizzy.

Phase One, Diet #3

Diet #3 is designed for the final two or three days of your seven-day cycle. This food regimen will provide your muscles and liver with an ample supply of new glycogen in the form of complex carbohydrates and glucose polymers. Introducing these nutrients into your system at this point will force your metabolism and energy level to rise.

Fast Metabolism Diet Three

  • When preparing your meals . . .

    • Avoid using any butter, margarine, oil, mayonnaise, prepared sauces, or salt.
      • In place of these items, you may substitute in any herb or herbal product you wish (just no salt or fat!).
    • And for the first two weeks ONLY, you may use fat-free salad dressing, fat-free butter (*promise*), or fat-free mayonnaise. But there is a limit of one tablespoon per meal (total) for these three ingredients.
      • If you do opt to use these additional ingredients, you should know the possibility that they will slow your progress. The reason you can use them in the beginning is that they’ll add some taste to an otherwise bland diet.

**** You can find a more detailed description of these diets in a later article on The 7 Day Weight Loss Plan Challenge. It’s where we’ll combine everything (exercises, diet, cleanse, visualization, etc.) into a 7 Day structure. ****

Fast Metabolism Diet Guidelines

Consume no foods other than those listed on this article unless you first discuss any deviation from this fast metabolism diet with your nutritionist or physician.

  • If you are hungry or feel the need for additional food . . .

    • You may increase your consumption of the protein sources (chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna, and fish) at any of the meals for phase one during the first two weeks without slowing your weight loss.
  • Meat and fish:

    • Either sliced or ground turkey (the 98% fat-free variety) may be substituted for chicken if you use it in the same quantity. Measure both chicken and turkey after cooking.
      • 6 oz. of meat is about the same size as two decks of playing cards.
    • While on this diet, you can consume any type of fish other than carp, herring, mackerel, mullet, salmon, sardines, squid, and tuna steak. These fish are higher in fat, and tend to slow the increase of metabolism in some people.
  • Diet terms:

    • For purposes of this diet, the term grilled meat refers to any very lean red or white meat (beef, pork, turkey, or chicken).
      • During this fast metabolism diet program, be sure that before you consume any type of meat, you remove all the skin and visible fat prior to cooking.
    • The term mixed salad refers to any combination of raw, non-starchy vegetables (one that’s devoid of starchy vegetables such as potatoes, avocados, and beans).
  • Food substitutions:

    • You may substitute a good “whey” protein powder in place of chicken/turkey or eggs, provided you make the substitution according to the following formula:
      • Two scoops of protein powder mixed in water is equivalent to either three egg whites or 3 oz. of chicken or turkey. Be sure NOT to make this substitution at more than one meal on any given day.
      • For purposes of this website: a pure protein drink contains at least 40 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbohydrates in each serving.
    • You may substitute fish or sushi/sashimi for tuna or chicken in this phase:
      • 3 oz. of sushi is equivalent to 3 oz. of chicken or 1/2 of a 6-oz. can of tuna.
    • You may substitute a medium, plain baked potato for 1/2 cup of rice. If you make this substitution, be sure to remove the skin from the potato prior to eating it.
  • Certain ingredients to measure:

    • Always measure rice prior to cooking.
    • Measure vegetable quantities after cooking.
  • Candy?

    • Candy that is both sugar free and sodium free may be eaten periodically throughout the day.
  • Bagels, English muffins and rice cakes?

    • For the first two weeks of the program, bagels, English muffins, and rice cakes are interchangeable as long as you substitute one of them for another according to the following formula:
      • Two rice cakes is equivalent to either one medium bagel or one whole English muffin. You should be aware of the possibility that this substitution will slightly slow your weight loss.
  • More bathroom visits?

    • You may experience an increase in urination and/or defecation during this phase of the program. This is due, in part, to the delicate cleansing effect that this particular combination of foods has on your digestive system, and in part to an increase in your metabolic rate.
    • At some point during the first two weeks of this phase, you may experience a slight increase in intestinal gas. This is normal; it’s caused by the elimination of previously built-up matter within your system. The expulsion of this matter is an important step toward a fully functioning digestive system.

This fast metabolism diet program is the foundation for your weight loss success. Next article is about showing you how to get more energy without have to do any more work. >> Go to the Next Page on Metabolic Boosters.

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